Why we chose to partner with Bedrock at St. Anselm's



St Anselm's Catholic School

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July 2021

Why Bedrock?

With Ofstead putting an increased onus on improving literacy across schools, the Literacy Lead at St Anselm’s wanted to find a solution that would work across all key stages and support their students to improve their understanding of complex vocabulary, not simply teach definitions.

Bedrock's impact

Bedrock has been able to really address literacy gaps that have appeared within the school since the pandemic, and it has also been able to push the most able learners to achieve even higher results. St Anselm’s have also found that by helping their learners to develop their vocabulary, Bedrock is also increasing their learners' desire to read for pleasure as the process becomes easier and more enjoyable.

Bedrock Learning was introduced to [the school] almost two years ago. [My Literacy Lead] came to me saying that it's a fantastic programme that would enable our students to access not only tier 2 but tier 3 vocabulary that they need across the subject areas. It's very simple to use and really easy for the kids to access.

Mr Rowarth

Academy Principal

Based in Canterbury, St. Anselm's chose to partner with Bedrock almost two years ago and since then the school has seen great success across every subject in their curriculum. When looking for a solution, Literacy Lead, Megan Nee, wanted something that would work for all learners across all key stages, and something that would really make teachers lives easier whilst embedding literacy deeply across every curriculum in the school.

The impact that Bedrock has had can be seen across the curriculum, with data-backed improved outcomes in KS3 learners and anecdotes from teachers across the school who are seeing learners using Bedrock words within extended writing answers and oral responses.

Bedrock stuck out to me because it was developed by teachers, teachers that had worked in very challenging schools. Having worked in a very challenging inner city school in London myself, I know that if these teachers have left the classroom to come up with something of their own accord that tackles a really significant problem, then it's going to be a good one.

Megan Nee

Literacy Lead

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