Improving literacy at Springfield Community Primary School


Springfield Community Primary School

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A student learning on Bedrock Learning

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Bedrock partner since

February 2019

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Why Bedrock?

At Springfield Community Primary School in Burnley, a high number of learners were beginning their journey at the school with a very limited vocabulary, and the school identified this as an area that they would like to improve. They implemented Bedrock with KS2 (years 3-6) to improve this vocabulary deficit.

Implementing Bedrock

At Springfield Community Primary School Bedrock is used within guided reading sessions and has also been used as a homework provision, especially during the pandemic.


Using Bedrock Learning at Springfield Community Primary School

We began using Bedrock to improve our children’s vocabulary. We know that our children start school with limited vocabulary, and we recognised that this was an area to improve. Using Bedrock introduces our children to a variety of new words, and they can self-learn both at school and at home. We're using Bedrock with KS2 - Years 3-6.

Vocabulary is a huge part of our curriculum and using Bedrock provides discreet vocabulary sessions for children alongside what we do as a school.

Springfield Community Primary School

Would you consider Springfield CPS to be a language-rich community?

Yes! We ensure our classroom environments are vocabulary rich allowing teachers to immerse children in the wonderful world of words! We introduce texts with interesting and high-level vocabulary and we are incredibly mindful about how we use language throughout the day.

What do you have in place to support whole-school literacy?

We follow a cross-curricular curriculum across all classes to ensure children can use vocabulary repetitively and in different contexts, this allows it to become more embedded in their long-term memory. Our English units begin with a long reading phase, with lots of different texts introduced, lots of vocabulary discussion and activities as well as role play and drama activities.

How have you implemented Bedrock and what has worked?

We use Bedrock as an activity in our Guided Reading sessions. Throughout lockdown, it was used as an online learning resource. We celebrate children’s successes and the progress they make in class assemblies. We share the words that have been learnt and we look at how we can use them in our writing.

In what ways does the actionable data generated by Bedrock inform your practice in the classroom and across the school?

As a school, we track the use of Bedrock and sessions completed over a week. We are constantly analysing how we can utilise the information in changing situations, particularly lockdown and isolations.

What challenges do you face and how has Bedrock supported you in overcoming these challenges?

We face many challenges around academic achievement in our school, with children making good progress but not necessarily meeting attainment expectations. Our school is in a highly deprived area and so language acquisition is generally poor and as a school, we work together to raise children’s vocabulary and understanding. We also have a rising number of children with English as an additional language and therefore Bedrock is a valuable resource for children that have built their confidence and are able to speak English but are not always sure of new words and their meanings.

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