Targeting low literacy levels in Middlesbrough



Acklam Grange Secondary School

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Sept 2022

Why Bedrock?

With a catchment area that includes a number of families with low literacy levels, it was important for the team at Acklam Grange to target literacy across their curriculum, giving all students the best opportunities - regardless of background. They partnered with Bedrock to allow their students to independently be exposed to a wide range of vocabulary as well as a range of diverse texts.

Bedrock's impact

Through tracking students regulary via their individual data profiles, staff at the school have recorded students moving from their "at risk" categories onto more "age appropriate" content. In addition, Year 7 learners have seen 12-14 month gains on their chronological reading ages following a recent assessment.

We recently assessed our Year 7s and found that students had made on average 12-14 months gain on their chronological reading age with Bedrock. We're over the moon.

Donna Kerr-Morgan

Asst. Head at Acklam Grange

Acklam Grange secondary school, located in Middlesborough, has been using Bedrock Learning to implement a whole school literacy solution across all subjects in the school. This consistent approach has been crucial to success at Acklam Grange, ensuring that every single learner - regardless of their need - can make progress across the curriculum.

Acklam Grange is located in an area where low literacy levels are common. They have partnered with Bedrock to ensure a wide-reaching and targeted approach to high-quality literacy outcomes. Learners have become increasingly independent in their learning through their engagements with Bedrock.

With Bedrock, we feel like we've got real value for money. It mirrors our values of literacy not being a bolt-on, allowing the students to challenge themselves. The impact that Bedrock has had on the students' reading and vocab, that's paid dividends in the end.

Donna Kerr-Morgan

Asst. Head at Acklam Grange

Acklam Grange has not only seen improvements in their learner's literacy levels, but also a large amount of qualitative evidence of the impact that Bedrock has had throughout the school. This includes increased self-confidence among learners thanks to a deeper understanding of the content that they're learning, and evidence of learners using a wider variety of richer, multi-syllabic words in their writing.

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