Literacy Resource Hub

Welcome to 7 Steps to Literacy Success

The UK is experiencing an educational crisis: almost 40% of students are failing GCSE English. Current literacy strategies are not working.

If learners struggle with language, they are hindered from reaching their full potential in school and beyond. In today’s rapidly evolving, technology-driven world, strong literacy skills are not just beneficial; they are essential for success.

It's time to act. Our 7 Steps to Literacy Success hub unlocks the power of the Education Endowment Foundation’s literacy recommendations.

Let’s work together to make a lasting impact in our schools.


Step 1: Prioritise Disciplinary Literacy across the curriculum

Literacy is fundamental to academic success and future achievements, influencing all areas of secondary education. Disciplinary Literacy enhances literacy by focusing on the unique demands of each subject. Creating a language-rich culture is also critical, fostering an environment where literacy skills are valued across the curriculum.


What is Disciplinary Literacy?

Our blog The impact of disciplinary literacy: More than just building knowledge offers an introduction to Disciplinary Literacy. Disciplinary Literacy recognises the importance of improving literacy across the curriculum and emphasises the importance of subject-specific support.


Live Webinar

Creating a language-rich culture

Join Olivia Sumpter, Director of Education at Bedrock, on Thursday, October 24th, 4pm to learn how to create a language-rich culture in your school. Olivia will discuss the importance of language development in all aspects of learning and the need for intentional strategies to enhance vocabulary and grammar.


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7 Steps to Literacy Success

Relying on incidental vocabulary acquisition is not enough. The evidence is clear: explicit vocabulary teaching at all Key Stages and across all subjects is essential.

Based on recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), this paper provides critical advice and resources to transform literacy in your school.


Step 2: Provide targeted vocabulary instruction in every subject

Teachers in every subject should provide explicit vocabulary instruction to help learners access and use academic language. Effective approaches, including those related to etymology and morphology, will help learners remember new words and make connections between them. Prioritising Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary, which learners are unlikely to encounter in everyday speech, is essential.


A guide to Tier 1, 2 & 3 vocabulary

Not all vocabulary is made the same or has the same purpose. In order for teachers to best tackle the broad subject of 'vocabulary', there has to be a way to break it down into smaller chunks so that each can be taught more efficiently. This is where the three tiers of vocabulary become important.


Webinar Replay

Improving disciplinary literacy and subject-specific vocabulary

Disciplinary literacy is not merely about reading strategies or vocabulary. It emphasises the importance of subject-specific support, including reading, writing, and communication strategies tailored to each discipline.


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7 Steps to Literacy Success

Relying on incidental vocabulary acquisition is not enough. The evidence is clear: explicit vocabulary teaching at all Key Stages and across all subjects is essential.

Based on recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), this paper provides critical advice and resources to transform literacy in your school.


Step 3: Develop learners' ability to read complex academic texts

Learners should be reading in every subject; this ranges from academic articles in Science to archaic texts in History to complex exam questions in Maths. This means that for effective teaching and learning, every teacher must feel confident being a literacy teacher, and you should focus teacher training on teaching reading.

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Developing learners' ability to read complex academic texts

Effective reading comprehension of complex academic texts requires a combination of strategies, support, and active engagement. By addressing the foundational skills and providing structured support, educators can help learners become proficient readers and confident communicators.



12 strategies for reading comprehension across different text types

Reading comprehension unlocks the written word by creating meaning out of text. In this article, we look at the comprehension challenges of different text types and strategies educators can use to address them.


Step 4: Breakdown complex writing tasks

Writing is challenging, it places significant demands on working memory, requiring a delicate balance of transcription, composition, and executive function skills. Learners can be supported by the deconstruction of these tasks and from targeted, explicit instruction in every lesson.

Video Series

What is an apostrophe of possession? How to use brackets and dashes.

Our series of grammar videos will take you through the wonderful world of English grammar. From how to use commas, dashes and brackets to what a subordinate clause is!



Knowledge organiser template

Knowledge organisers help teachers and learners categorise, clarify, and condense key information within a topic. Knowledge is visible at a glance, easy to digest, and convenient for revision. The best knowledge organisers condense all necessary information onto a single piece of A4 paper.


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7 Steps to Literacy Success

Relying on incidental vocabulary acquisition is not enough. The evidence is clear: explicit vocabulary teaching at all Key Stages and across all subjects is essential.

Based on recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), this paper provides critical advice and resources to transform literacy in your school.


Step 5: Combine writing with reading in every subject

It is of critical importance that learners practice writing alongside reading. Reading and writing are often viewed as separate skills, but their interconnection can significantly enhance educational outcomes. Both reading and writing are complex processes that require a deep understanding of various elements such as grammar, vocabulary, and phonological awareness. These elements should be explicitly taught to strengthen both reading comprehension and writing proficiency.

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Combining reading and writing in every subject

Integrating reading and writing instruction enhances literacy across the curriculum. By teaching these skills together, educators can improve learners' comprehension, retention, and overall academic performance. The key is to provide explicit instruction, model effective strategies, and create opportunities for learners to practice and refine their skills in both reading and writing.



How to write well: grammar for good writing

In this blog, we look at how grammar rules impact the journey to becoming a good writer. Writing is one of the most valuable tools we have in life, impacting everything from learning to self-expression and communication with other people. Good writing skills open up academic, employment and social opportunities.


Step 6: Provide opportunities for structured talk

High-quality classroom talk is essential for improving literacy and overall educational outcomes. This concept, coined by Andrew Wilkinson in the 1960s, emphasises the ability to express oneself fluently and effectively. It involves more than just grammatical correctness; it encompasses vocabulary knowledge, grammatical knowledge, and the ability to communicate ideas clearly.


Providing opportunities for structured talk

Oracy is a powerful tool for learning and literacy. Strong oracy skills support reading and writing development, as well as boosting how learners gain understanding across the curriculum. English is the language with which we learn, so strong communication skills improve outcomes in every subject - and oracy has shown to be particularly beneficial for low-attaining learners.


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Providing structured talk to improve literacy

Incorporating structured talk into classroom activities is essential for fostering literacy and overall learner development. By prioritising high-quality talk, teachers can create an engaging, supportive, and effective learning environment that prepares learners for future success.


Step 7: Provide high quality literacy interventions for struggling learners

This is the last of the EEF’s recommendations. High-quality interventions are essential for addressing the needs of struggling pupils. Effective interventions are structured, sustainable, and impactful, ensuring that learners meet their literacy demands.

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High quality interventions for struggling pupils

High-quality interventions for struggling learners require careful planning, targeted support, and regular monitoring. By understanding the specific needs of learners and implementing structured interventions, educators can significantly improve literacy outcomes.



UK reading tests compared: discover the best one for your school

We are blessed to live in a time when data, analytics, and technology are changing the classroom and enabling us to transform educational outcomes. Our blog guides you through what you must consider when selecting a reading test solution for your school.


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7 Steps to Literacy Success

Relying on incidental vocabulary acquisition is not enough. The evidence is clear: explicit vocabulary teaching at all Key Stages and across all subjects is essential.

Based on recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), this paper provides critical advice and resources to transform literacy in your school.
