Bedrock's literacy strategy whitepaper - packed with exclusive research, best practice, and an impactful 7-point action plan - is now available to download.
Tier 2 vocabulary curriculum
Bedrock Learning’s online reading curriculum contains over 120 engaging fiction and non-fiction texts, equipping learners with the ambitious vocabulary they need to succeed.
Start improving literacy today
With our knowledge-rich online reading curriculum, literacy improvement begins from the first day learners use Bedrock Learning.
Ambitious vocabulary
Learning the vocabulary necessary for academic success cannot be left to chance.
Bedrock’s vocabulary curriculum immerses learners in contextualised Tier 2 language, forming a solid foundation for academic success.
Accessible language
It takes a rich knowledge of vocabulary to read for pleasure. On average, learners need to know 98% of the words in a text to understand its meaning.
That’s why Bedrock Learning’s fiction and non-fiction texts embed ambitious Tier 2 vocabulary within the words learners use in their everyday speech - so every child has the opportunity to fall in love with reading, no matter their prior ability.
Vocabulary in context
Understanding complex vocabulary takes so much more than a dictionary.
Bedrock’s vocabulary curriculum introduces new vocabulary through research-based activities, designed to encourage a mastery of new vocabulary. Learners go beyond a dictionary definition - they understand how to use new terminology in their own writing.
The three tiers of vocabulary is a theory that categorises words based on their “different levels of utility."
Created by Isabel Beck and Margaret McKeown, these tiers are split like this: Tier 1 vocabulary includes the words we use every day, likely to be familiar to learners through conversation. Tier 2 vocabulary includes challenging terms learners may encounter throughout their academic lives. Tier 3 vocabulary includes subject-specific keywords used outside of the English classroom, like ‘photosynthesis’ in Biology.
When designing a vocabulary improvement strategy, the three tiers of vocabulary are a great place to begin your strategy. By understanding the words learners encounter and use in everyday speech, teachers can begin to address academic language disadvantaged learners may not understand.
Creating a Tier 2 vocabulary strategy can be time-consuming - Bedrock Learning is a vast Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary solution, already structured with the language learners need throughout their lives. Why not start your learners' vocabulary journey today?
Tier 2 vocabulary is made up of the ambitious, challenging words learners might find through their academic journey, but that don’t always appear in regular conversation. A Tier 1 word, such as ‘turn’, could be levelled up in academic contexts to the Tier 2 term, ‘rotate’.
The language learners hear at home has a huge impact on their understanding of Tier 2 vocabulary in the classroom; learners who do not have a strong understanding of Tier 2 language from exposure at home enter the classroom already at a disadvantage - without intervention, this disadvantage lasts a lifetime.
That's why learning Tier 2 vocabulary cannot be left to chance - it must be taught explicitly, so every child has the opportunity to communicate effectively, both in their education and throughout their whole lives.
The 2018 Oxford Language Report states that 43% of Year 7 students have a limited vocabulary, significant enough to affect their ability to learn. Without the vocabulary to access their education, the word gap continues to increase throughout secondary school, and throughout a learner’s life! Consistent, explicit vocabulary teaching ensures every learner is prepared not just for their exams, but to navigate the ambitious vocabulary necessary for their education and beyond. Rest easy in the knowledge that with Bedrock Learning, learners are accessing an ambitious vocabulary curriculum designed to prepare them for the academic world.
The Bedrock Vocabulary curriculum has been developed to optimise its Tier 2 vocabulary curriculum, creating a linear structure that includes the academic vocabulary learners need to thrive. However, with Bedrock Mapper, you have the freedom to make your own Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary curriculum to suit your needs, complete with contextual images, synonyms, antonyms and free-writing activities. Not only that, but you can share the content you make with other teachers, and even with the teacher community! Prioritising literacy in every subject has never been simpler.
With Bedrock Vocabulary, optimal progress can be achieved with just two 20-minute lessons a week. The best thing about harnessing educational technology for your learners is that these 20-minute sessions can be completed in school or as homework activities.
You can spend as much or as little time teaching Tier 2 vocabulary in class as best suits you and your learners, thanks to the flexibility of Bedrock Learning.
Start improving learners’ vocabularies today.
Equip learners of all abilities with the skills they need to access their education.