Our next parents evening dates are coming soon...

You can watch our most recent parents evening sessions that we held in February 2024, here:

Secondary: Tuesday 20th February

Primary: Wednesday 21st February

In these sessions, parents found out all about Bedrock, why it's important for children to engage with the platform and how they can support their child in their learning.

Share information with parents

We see first-hand how valuable parental engagement with Bedrock can be for achieving your school's literacy goals, but we also understand that it can be difficult for schools to get parents/carers on board.

Share information about our parents' evenings with parents at your school with our digital letter and social media templates - updated versions will be available when our next dates are announced!

Primary Letter

Primary Social Media Template

Secondary Letter

Secondary Social Media Template


Why attend a Bedrock parents' evening?

A child's education is not just about school. Support from people at home can make a huge difference to their progress, and platforms like Bedrock Learning give parents the perfect opportunity to engage with the learning their child is doing.

Attend our parents' evening to find out;

  • What Bedrock is
  • Why it's important for your child to use Bedrock
  • How you can support them in their learning

Can't make the live event? Register anyway and you'll be emailed the recording to watch whenever suits you!


Have questions about using Bedrock as a parent?

Visit our support hub where we have a number of different articles guiding you through all aspects of using Bedrock as a parent/guardian. Can't find an answer to your question? Submit a request for more information or use our lie chat feature to speak to our support team.